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movie reviews !!

because my current fixation is binge watching every virus horror movie i can get my hands on i made this to influence my friends into watching them

MOST are (virus) horror movies but there MIGHT be others too

ALSOO some of these opinions might be outdated since i havent seen a lot of them in a while. they might be updated tho!

click on them to show my thoughts on them!!

ok. this movie MIGHT be terrible but i do not care. not a virus movie! more slasher! and it's been my favorite movie since i first watched it i LOVE it and its characters AH!! it's about 2 couples going out to write a book on halloween (eve)

its rob zombie so its weird and trippy as fuck but i find it. charming!! this is the first and only movie i have bought myself

classic zombie movie!! beautiful music and scenery. only an 8 because i won't say it's boring, but the last act doesn't really keep my attention as much as the rest?? tbh. still great tho

it's about a dude who wakes up from a coma (butt ass naked btw) to find the entire city he lives in deserted except for a shit ton of infected people

absolutely peak oh my gawd. same AMAZING music & vibe from Days Later except WAY more stressful to watch (in the best way possible).

the first scene alone is a masterpiece, the protag(in the opening at least?) being the most selfish pos ive ever seen in a movie and i LOVE IT. (the scene on yt if you want to watch) and he CONTINUES to be a VERY selfish pos throughout the movie and i STILL LOVE IT!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!

this one is SUPER sad when i tell u i held back tears at like 7 different scenes in this movie lorrdd.d...

ill be honest this is probably the most tragic zombie movie i've watched it's so beautifully sad!!! ahh!!!!!! the characters and their development are SO well written and played

it's about a dad taking his daughter on a train to busan to see her mom since it's her(the daughter's) birthday, but obviously something spreads and a zombie sneaks on board..!!

ok this movie is pretty much just torture porn (and also just porn sometimes) but i love it so much... the infection makes you act on your darkest thoughts and i THINK you're still concious of what you're doing, which is why some infected cry and why its called the sadness yeahh

another interesting part is the main antag-- a creepy dude on the train. i wont spoil much about what happens with him but "the sadness" does NOT apply to bro. bro was happy as hell, which makes it 10x more scary

also the general plot is a couple being seperated while a virus spreads, the guy trying to get food and the girl on a train. the rest of the movie is them trying to get back together except its cooler than most movies that do that imo

ok. when it comes to horror, i can NOT stand supernatural movies because they all feel the same to me. this one though???? LORD. its super creative, mixing up creatures and myths from korean, japanese, and christian mythology, not to mention the amount of times this movie fooled me

it's a 9.9 because as much as i loved it, it was mad confusing at times, WHICH WAS INTENDED and doesn't take away from the movie at all, even making it more fun to make theories about it- but i do think some things couldve been paced better... but i'm also a little dumb so whatever

anyway this movie is heartbreaking and beautiful and i love itttt

this ones not actually listed as horror i think, it feels more like a drama tbh but its still scary. also doesnt have zombies, its just bird flu that kills a bunch of people.

the acting is super good, especially from the main child character's actor, but it gets really sappy halfway through. like the ending is a "and everyone clapped" thing

neways the virus is found in a shipping container of illegal immigrants or something. they were all infected and died of a virus except for one dude who sneaks out..!!

decent movie-- the biggest issue that stood out to me was the transition from the fun chaos of the start (not the opening tho) to the seriousness of the rest of the movie. once u get over that it's pretty good tho!

it's super unique and created some of its own zombie lore + some things i have never seen in a zombie movie including a zombie giving birth. great

it's about a mom (iris) being forced to take her daughter (tata) with her to her night security job at a club, where iris leaves tata to play in a little gym area idk. zombies break in yadayada iris has to find tata. THOUGH i will say this movie probably has one of the best like. breaking points for the mc. you have to watch it to get what im saying this shit was TRAGIC

another classic!! found footage with some implied(??) supernatural stuff too!! i dont really know what to say.. this is one of those movies i need to rewatch

it's about a news reporter and her cameraman going with a crew of firefighters to an apartment building, where it's revealed they were called because of an infected woman

OKAY i also need to rewatch this one but i genuinely cannot remember anything that made it as good as REC. FROM WHAT I REMEMBER it felt more like an action movie than anything scary...!!

it's basically a direct continuation of REC with some military dudes coming in to see what happened

ok i LOVE this one. the virus from the other RECs take over a wedding and it's so tragic its great.!! also has the WONDERFUL trope(??) of the bride mc becoming way cooler by ripping up her dress and getting a chainsaw. love it

i am DEFINITELY biased with this one because it takes place on a ship in the middle of the ocean. not gonna lie theres not much that stands out (from memory) but the location and manner in which the virus spreads makes me love it

it's about some people from the earlier REC movies being quarantined on a boat bc they might have the virus

not a virus movie, it's comedy slasher!!! this movie is somehow funny, extremely frustrating to watch, and kinda cute. its basically a group of college kids go camping and meet tucker & dale who the kids assume are creepy murderers the entire time. 9 because the college kids pissed me off too much

this ones psychological horror!!!! its super interesting, about an influencer who travels to thailand and becomes friends with a local(???? or something). the cinematography is so beautiful in this movie my GAWD. and the ending is a good twist from what you'd think would happen!!!

the V/H/S series are found footage anthology films that imo are super cool. they usually have like 4-5 different segments of mini movies w different plots, and A LOT of them have tits and sexual assault. be warned ;p

im writing abt them later if ur seeing this. ok